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About Jessica Batten

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So far Jessica Batten has created 89 blog entries.

National Craft Month

March is National Craft Month, and MCPLS has a plethora of resources to suit all of your crafty needs! We have hundreds of craft books in our collection, both in print and available on hoopla digital! Read on for more information! Our Collection Thanks to our library [...]

2022-02-23T15:13:21+00:00February 23rd, 2022|

We’re Open!

Last updated Wednesday, December 1, 2021, 11:30 AM Operation Status The Marion County Public Library System is OPEN.  ⁠See below for details and hours of operation. PATRON SERVICES – The following services are currently available. Our buildings are open [...]

2022-02-14T16:32:00+00:00December 20th, 2021|

Celebrate the 2021 Oscars at MCPLS

MCPLS is your hotspot for Oscar winners and nominees! We have (or have on order) almost all of this year’s nominees for Best Picture: The Father,  Judas and the Black Messiah, Minari, Nomadland, and Promising Young Woman. Look below for links to put the movies on hold! The Academy Awards [...]

2021-04-01T14:54:27+00:00April 15th, 2021|