You can now use your credit card to conveniently pay any outstanding MCPLS charges on your account through the Pay Online option. You can still pay your outstanding balance in person at any Marion County Public Library System branch, too.
Q: How do I pay my library fees online?
A: Click the Pay Online link. Enter your account information and credit card information into our secure form. Before you begin, you must have the barcode account number, the exact amount of the payment, and a valid email address. You can log into your account online to view any Outstanding Balance.
Q: What credit cards are accepted for payment?
A: VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express are accepted through the Pay Online option.
Q: Can I use a debit card for payment?
A: Only debit cards with a VISA, MasterCard, or Discover logo are accepted.
Q: Can I pay using my PayPal account?
A: No, PayPal is not accepted at this time.
Q: Is there a minimum amount I must pay on my account?
A: There is a $5.00 minimum for online payments.
Q: If my account is blocked, will I be able to access it after making an online payment?
A: Yes! Once the fees in your account are paid, your account will be reopened. The block on your account will be removed as soon as possible, but it could take up to 48 hours to complete.
Q: If I use the Pay Online option, is my patron information and my credit card information safe?
A: Yes, your information is secure.
Q: Will I receive a receipt for online payments?
A: A receipt will automatically be sent to the email address you provide. You can print a receipt after the transaction is complete.
Q: Is there a service fee for paying by credit card online?
A: No, there are no additional fees passed on to patrons.
Q: What do I do if I receive a message that the online transaction was declined?
A: Verify that all of the information is entered correctly. If an error is found, reenter the information and submit again. Also, confirm that your internet connection is dependable. Your library fees will remain unpaid until the payment is confirmed.