2024 Spring Author Showcase Application

Please fill out this form to confirm your interest in participating in the Spring Author Showcase on March 4, 2024 from 5pm-7pm.

You will be provided with a table and chairs. Please note that the tables we have are multipurpose and are not the prettiest. We highly recommend that you bring a table cloth. You will get information about the size of your table closer to the event date so that you can plan accordingly, but most tables are 6-8 foot folding tables.

You are welcome to bring your own signage and any other materials that you would like.

You are permitted and encouraged to sell your books during the event and hand out your own marketing materials, business cards, etc.

There is no cost to participate, but spaces are limited. You will receive confirmation from Library Staff to verify your place at the showcase. Space will be offered on a first come, first served basis.

2025 Spring Author Showcase

Author Showcase Application:

Please fill out this form no later than February 14. Late submissions may not be able to be included in online or printed marketing.


Please provide your legal name here

If using a pseudonym or want your name to appear differently from the name above, ie using initials, etc.

If more than one, Please note if you have a primary genre. We will use this information to decide where you are placed.

Please list any books that you have written. Note if there are any specific titles that you would like us to feature in marketing. Please also including any upcoming releases and its release date.

Drop files here or

Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, psd, Max. file size: 8 MB.

    If you do not have a headshot or photo that you would like us to use, please upload an image of one of your books that you would like featured.

    We will use exactly what you submit here. Please double check for typos and provide the bio that you want to be read by attendees at the showcase.
    Are you comfortable being placed in the downstairs Exhibit Room if nececary?(Required)
    This room is unfortunately not completely ADA accessible and has to be accessed with stairs. We cannot guarantee that this preference will be honored but we will do our best to make everyone comfortable.

    How many chairs will you need for you any any volunteers/staff that will be accompanying you.

    We may provide light refreshments and would like to ensure food safety.

    If you have a preference as to where you are placed in the library, what other authors you are placed near, or any other requests, please include them here. We will follow up with you on an individual basis if needed or if you have questions/concerns.